So the visit was very busy. We ate wonderful Lorobi’s pizza and a little later we indulged in all kinds of goodies. Before enjoying the cupcakes, pumpkin cheesecake and so forth, Vanessa’s cousin Hannah suggested we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. It was a sweet suggestion and we proceeded to do just that. For some odd reason I felt I had to look somewhere, so I fixed myself on the Baby Jesus hanging on the Advent calendar. I was probably obnoxious about it. But I have to say – it’s wonderful to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. And it’s even better when reminded by an almost-four-year-old.
It also snowed in Gallia County. By 12:30 or 1 it had made the roads very slick. It only takes a little snow down there to make that happen. The main roads do not remain treated, like in Columbus – snow plows and salt trucks come out there when the snow actually begins to hit. And to add to that – the roads are curvy and go up and down hills. So we saw numerous accidents . . . but fortunately we were not involved in any.
Below are a few photos from our visit. The kids were excited to have an excuse to play the game box. It provided two resting moments, in a sense, and a good photo op for the group. :)