(Vanessa helped take this picture of her Christmas tree by hitting her mother's arm at just the right moment. Seems she has a talent . . . :)
This last Sunday we finally went on the hunt for our Christmas tree. We just went to Oakland Nursery on 161 in Dublin, where Santa happened to be as well. He was on a train car with wheels, and of course he thought for sure Vanessa would be interested in him. She looked at him and waved, but we didn't stop. Was that rude? Oh well . . . we were on a mission and it was cold, and Vanessa didn't seem to care. I hope we're not horrible parents for not forcing a visit with Santa . . . :)
Decorating was a huge process -- let the limbs fall, Daddy put lights on, and then we waited to do the rest when Mommy felt up to it . . .
So by Wednesday here we are hanging the first ornaments on the tree. Well okay, Vanessa's chewing hers . . . but she did end up helping quite a bit . . .
Vanessa at work:So by Wednesday here we are hanging the first ornaments on the tree. Well okay, Vanessa's chewing hers . . . but she did end up helping quite a bit . . .
And finally . . .
"How often you give us delight in brightly shining Christmas light!"