Zane: "Lilly, help me get up here?"
While pulling up to the library:
Zane: "Mommy, park in the grass!"
Mommy: "I should park in the parking spot, not in the grass."
Zane: "Why? Grandpa parks in grass."
While running errands on a weekday:
Zane: "I need van key, open doors. I don't open Da-Dess door. She at school."
Zane: "Skar need crickets? Let's see Nemo?"
While trying to go to sleep:
Zane: "Mommy, it dark outside. Moon out. Go bike riding?"
Just a few of Zane's birthday requests:
"Go Chuck E Cheese for my birthday?"
"Go Grandma's house for my birthday?
"I go bowling for my birthday."
"There horse on my street. I want horse for my birthday."
"I want Brutus pet for my birthday."
"I want fly up in a rocket ship for my birthday."
Relating the Birthday Fairy:
Zane: "Ho Ho come to my birthday?"
Vanessa's friends laugh at Zane when he's wearing princess dresses and has painted toenails. He takes it all in stride and answers to Mr. Princess. His comment to one friend: "What? What's so funny? I'm Lynda's Mom."
While playing kitchen and holding a dime:
Zane: "Ma'am. Um. Ma'am. I need apple juice." [He receives pretend juice and walks it over to me.] "Mom. Here you go."
Mom: "Thank you for sharing your apple juice."
Zane: "Welcome."