My grandmother was extremely conservative and viewed many things as gateways to one's demise. She believed that it was important to avoid temptations and she went to great lengths ensuring those she cared deeply about were also protected. Not knowing if my grandfather formally accepted the invite presented a few days earlier, he surprised my grandmother at church. And here begins the story or our dominoes . . .
Because my grandfather struggled with gambling card games, there were no playing cards in their house. We knew at a young age it was a house rule, although I didn't understand why until I was a teen. He didn't, however, have any trouble with gambling domino games. :-) And there were always lots and lots of dominoes. I remember at a very young age my expectations for playing dominoes when visiting my great grandfather while he was in my grandmother's care. We even kept a running scoring sheet.
Although I finally accepted that the box should be thrown away (since no more layers on top of layers of scotch tape could hold it together any longer), Vanessa and Zane are blessed to play with the same dominoes my great grandfather, great aunt, grandmother, grandfather, father and brothers played with many years ago. (And yes, I took a picture of the box because of the special hands that touched and mended it. I even took a picture of the rubber band used to hold the box closed.)