We're filled with the hustle and bustle of the season! Vanessa has been decorating, baking and making various crafts. Every so often we squeeze in email correspondence and favorite virtual reads. But most of the time right now we're just enjoying Christmas. The other day Vanessa walked up to the disjointed nativity and spoke in a flustered manner, "Oh nooooooo . . .! Where's Jesus? Where's Jesus?" I told her that I wasn't sure he had arrived yet and we should check back to see if he shows up. This morning Vanessa asked if we could go to Santa's house. I told her that he'll come to us if we're polite and listen well. :) Needless to say, Vanessa is beginning to understand the
true meaning of and things related to

Vanessa liked that she could flour her hands and then clap big clouds of flour.
These cookies would have been all sprinkles if Mommy hadn't suggested we hold back a little.
A stuffed reindeer, that Vanessa independently named Rudolph, replaced Tom Turkey rather quickly. We like to root for the underdog. We talk about how all the other reindeer were very unkind and acted very ugly to Rudolph. Vanessa will say, as she sticks out her bottom lip, "Awww . . . Rudolph is sad . . ." She especially likes that Rudolph ends up shining so very bright.