I just went to get Vanessa from her nap and she told me that her mouth hurt. I asked if her teeth were bothering her. As she put one finger in her mouth, she replied, "Yes. See Mommy? It hurts." Vanessa's been working on her two-year molars sporadically for the last few months, just like she did with her eye teeth. Today is a day for working on them. She's irritable, and it's good to stay home. It was neat to watch her verbalize what was bothering her, so much so, I wanted to capture it -- however, she won't let me. When I pulled the cameras out, she demanded I put them down -- "No Mommy, put camera down. Put camera down here." I turned off the video camera and set it down, since she was crying hysterically. But after a few seconds I had to capture at least one photo, showing her protesting again: