It’s not time to go swimming just yet! Vanessa had to wear a swimsuit over her PJs yesterday. I was hanging up clothes in Vanessa’s closet when she spotted a future swimsuit tucked away in some things. She pointed it out once but got distracted by something else. Then a few minutes later she went back to swimsuit and asked to see it. I pulled it out and then she insisted on me putting it on her. I decided since it’s still a little cool that we’d just put it on over her PJs. ;-) We pulled out other clothes to change into but she never allowed me that chance because it meant taking off her swimsuit. We finally negotiated a couple diaper changes later in the day. I was a little scared how bedtime might work –
Would she allow me to change her into clean PJs and remove the swimsuit for the night? She did.
(In the second picture she's running away with her clothes and diaper at almost lightning speed. This was the fifth or sixth attempt.)
And here I thought Vanessa had eaten all of her strawberries but later when I went to clean up the play room, I discovered that she had put many in her teapot. Call me the fool! :)