Vanessa made the most of her weekend. She spent most of it outside. She went to the park Saturday. She held on tight to her water and milk cups while she explored. She noticed a little boy putting rocks down the slide and proceeded to copy him as soon as he left the vicinity. We talked about playground etiquette. :) Thereafter she got into a routine of placing small piles of rock throughout the play area.
On Sunday Vanessa played in the water table and gave her collection of rocks a bath. She was quite funny to watch.
Soon before bedtime Vanessa took a stroll around the front yard. She enjoyed going up to different license plates and pointing out letters and numbers to name them. She was excited to discover there are plates on the front of the cars too.
Before going back inside for what we thought was the last time for the evening, Vanessa made it a point to talk to the pansies. She told lots of stories.
Then, I'm afraid to report, just a little bit later (maybe 15 or 20 minutes after going inside) Vanessa walked into the kitchen and was jabbering about whatever. She then got quiet for a minute or two. I decided to go see what she was doing, assuming she must be flipping thru a book in her playhouse. As I went into the kitchen I called for Vanessa. When she responded I could tell immediately that she was not inside the house. I walked to the patio door, right beside her playhouse, and saw her looking back at me from the yard. I also noticed rather quickly that the screen was closed. So she went to all the trouble of opening and closing it and did so in just a minute or two without making hardly a sound. Thank God for a fenced yard!
Do you think she enjoys the outside?! Or perhaps it was her last effort to avoid going night night. :) Now we'll need to replace our screen with one that little fingers can't unlock . . .