Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Local Forecast

Monday, April 27, 2009
All-Out Weekend

Vanessa made the most of her weekend. She spent most of it outside. She went to the park Saturday. She held on tight to her water and milk cups while she explored. She noticed a little boy putting rocks down the slide and proceeded to copy him as soon as he left the vicinity. We talked about playground etiquette. :) Thereafter she got into a routine of placing small piles of rock throughout the play area.
Soon before bedtime Vanessa took a stroll around the front yard. She enjoyed going up to different license plates and pointing out letters and numbers to name them. She was excited to discover there are plates on the front of the cars too.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Vanessa did really well with finding eggs. She also did well with going straight to her basket on Sunday morning before church. She had fun pulling all of the pink grass out and exploring the extremely cheap but engaging toys. :) (Again, we totally missed a still shot op. We took video but it's probably too large to post.)
We went to church but Daddy had to stay with Vanessa in the nursery. The service was very nice. The sermon was outside of the box but easily connected with the Easter message . . . it was propulsive . . .
All of Vanessa's goofing off delayed any napping. We dressed her and headed over to her grandparents, where she proceeded to wear herself down until she finally gave up and took a 20-minute catnap. It was a big and exhausting day for her. :) But the Easter Bunny was good and we enjoyed our visit with family and friends!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Jimi Dog
I eventually made my way outdoors and sat with her, once I realized she was a friendly dog. I ended up offering water and food, which she seemed to want badly. While watching her eat and drink I noticed movement in her tummy area. I then realized she was pregnant. We had storms rolling through the Ohio Valley and I couldn't stand the thought of this obviously pregnant animal having to stay out in such storms. Adam and I agreed that she would stay in our basement/garage for the night, although we were not allowed animals (that house ended up as quite the landing zone for animals, some of which came into the house for short visits.) We called her Lady since she seemed to respond to that.
By Saturday Lady was in labor. She gave birth to five stillborn pups, all of which looked to be big and healthy. We buried each one throughout the day. Lady was very distraught over the loss of her puppies. We'd carry one to their grave and she'd follow us, every so often pulling one back out. We even tried to save a couple -- yes, by breathing into their noses . . .
When it seemed Lady was finished, she still required lots of TLC, so we very willingly gave it to her. The next day she seemed better -- hopped up to greet me and gobble down food and water. She was still rather tired though. I left to go teach Sunday school but didn't stay for Easter services since Lady was back at the house and I worried for her. When I returned home she was curled up in a ball on covers and sheets. About two or three feet away from her was a dark glob. I just figured it was after effects. As I neared it I heard it squeaking. I quickly realized this rather small glob was alive. It was the runt of the liter and Lady had no interest in him.
After toing and froing over names, we settled on Jimi. We had a thing for naming animals after musicians, so he's named after Jimi Hendrix. We spoiled Jimi for the first five or six weeks of his life. We coddled him like a baby and took him for walks while cradling him in our arms, and we’d shield him from the sun, which he seemed to hate back then. He was resilient little guy. :)
As mentioned earlier, we were not allowed to have animals in the house we were renting, so we had to find Jimi and Lady good and loving homes. Jimi found his way to his grandparents. His grandmother welcomed him with open and loving arms. :) Jimi is still healthy and smart and just a great dog. We're so happy his grandparents kept him!
Happy Birthday!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Papaw . . .
It's interesting to hear and read about stereotypes and origins for different grandparent nicknames. When you look up "papaw" it is defined as a type of fruit tree or the fruit of that tree. Neat . . . since Vanessa is the fruit of her Papaw. Vanessa makes the sound for p really well. I can only imagine if Dad were still around, Vanessa would be saying Papaw lots and lots by now. I often wish he were with us to enjoy her endless energy. I know he would've loved her.
One might say that I had a rough childhood, but even so, my father always used (intentionally or unintentionally) humor and affection to soften the world we lived. As children we were so blind to most happenings . . . probably a good thing . . . but now when I reflect as a parent, our Dad did amazingly well overcoming many obstacles. I was a daddy's girl, but not in the typical generalized way -- only I could do no wrong and I was his princess (even when I was full-fledged tomboy.) He was gifted in so many ways but never fully realized . . .
Of course he's on my mind frequently, but with the anniversary of his death, my thoughts are a little more consumed. Love you Dad! Vanessa will experience the sunshine you brought to us all.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
"Drink? Drink?"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15
For some April 15 is a great day. I have a friend whose birthday is today. Corrie ten Boom and Leonardo da Vinci were also born on this day. In 1923 insulin became generally available. Rand McNally published its first road atlas in 1924. And in 1947 Jackie Robinson broke a racial barrier in baseball when he made his debut for the Dodgers on this day. And on another positive note, many food places and stores are offering Tax Day deals. So keep an eye out! (Hey McGraw-Hill friends -- I hear P.F. Changs is giving 15% off today, not that I'm available. :)
Friday, April 10, 2009
(Vanessa is much older than her daddy in these pictures. )
(Same here -- Vanessa is older than her mommy in these pictures. And I could probably find an older one of her . . .)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rolling in the Dough

The left picture shows how we started, a set up by Mommy. The picture on the right is of Vanessa's work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April's Silly Goose
And here I thought Vanessa had eaten all of her strawberries but later when I went to clean up the play room, I discovered that she had put many in her teapot. Call me the fool! :)