Hendrix has been asking a lot about the moon and stars. When we were outside the other day, and he was running along, he stopped suddenly and started looking up. Then he pointed and asked "Mama, is that moon?"
He was right, a smidgen of the moon was up in the sky. It was only appearing as a fingernail portion, so I was extra impressed he found it and named it correctly. I then realized he seems to be very interested in a Peppa Pig episode where they get in a rocket and go to the moon. Vanessa is also into space, and always has been.
At 2 1/2 she talked a lot about celestial bodies. She wants to go to space one day, and it scares me to death to think there's a great possibility. But now with Hendrix's strong interest too, I can't help but wonder if at least two of my children end up traveling to Mars on one of Elon Musk's inspired spacecrafts . . . I'll wait for them back on Earth . . . :-)