Vanessa's class had a unique opportunity to present Hall Academy to Hilliard City Schools Board of Education. Basically these kids are creating videos to teach others how to do different kinds of mathematics. I'm pretty sure the experience will stick with her. Each child was presented a Hilliard City Schools pin for their work and time.
And although Zane had several special visitors at school while he was Super Star of the Week, I'm pretty sure Vanessa getting to go read to his class had just as much if not more of an impact on her. Zane admires her so very much. It's interesting to watch him develop his independence from her, but the foundation they have together is so very strong.
We love Avery, the staff, and the friends we have made along the way. All have been an incredible blessing in helping shape, support, and grow Vanessa's world. It is weird to think about transitioning to the 6th grade school next year. Vanessa has been taking tests to put her on the correct trajectory for studies. Zane will miss having her at Avery, no doubt, but I can also see how he'll continue to develop his personal leadership skills at Avery, being an incredible example to others.