Vanessa's first week away from home went extremely well. No surprise, really. And it helped knowing that she was going with her uncle's church and that he would be somewhere on the campgrounds in case of an emergency. So thankful for her opportunity to join them!!!
Her camp group/room got the cleanest and tidiest award for the week. Hard to imagine but it makes sense with her extra training at Girl Scout camps. The girl is used to cleaning and washing her own dishes, too, but she was surprised to hear she didn't have to worry about that at church camp. :-)
The most impactful moments seemed to be that she ended up getting all gooed with a ton of things. She was at the end of the line for the game, so she ended up with quite a mess on her head. A good experience for someone ultrasensitive to things like that. And she beat 5 boys in arm wrestling. The other girls weren't sure why she wanted to hang in the rec hall, but again, I'm not surprised. :-)