Wednesday, December 10, 2014


In the last couple of weeks Zane has pulled out more of his bling. Although still somewhat bashful, he's showing more of his wild side to others now.

First, one afternoon we were in the store and as I was checking out, Zane walked out in front of strangers to high five them. What?? Cashier raved at his friendly spirit. I replied that I was concerned because never had he done that before. I kind of like the shy Zane -- feels more protected that way. :-)

At another time when we shouldn't have been grocery shopping, Zane kept asking me to buy various things. And although I allowed him to help make choices for the things we did intend to buy, I turned down a huge percentage of his requests with a firm no, not this time. After a while Zane snapped and said to me in a very loud voice, and of course after much other whining,  "Mom, you keep saying no! It's just not fair. God didn't make it that way!"

When leaving the store another day, some of the cashiers and store workers shared Happy Holiday wishes. Zane yelled back in a very sarcastic tone and with hands spread out to the sides, eyes rolling and with a concluding slap to the forehead, "You mean Merry Christmas?!' Or "It's Christmas, not holidays!" Believe it or not I did not teach him that. It seemed innate. Love it. I also didn't object to his professing, although I did point out that he could say it in a nicer voice so they will hear him.