When Zane asks for help to complete a puzzle, what he really means is that he wants you to sit beside him quietly and not interfere. I try to work the puzzle in a more systematic way, and Vanessa seemed to enjoy learning strategies for solving puzzles, like find the border pieces first, but Zane has his own way that doesn't seem to jive well with mine. If I sit back and watch, he puts it together on his own. He likes to complete his favorite part of the puzzle first. Then he'll look for other recognizable subjects and colors. If it's a new puzzle, he may allow you to point out possible connections.
Once he's finished it, don't get too excited because he'll mess it all up and do it all over again. He prefers to do it over and over and over again . . . until he finally caves to my pleas for something else.
Can you guess his favorite part to start in this particular puzzle? Rintoo is quite recognizable.