A little over a week ago we were able to make last-minute plans to go to the zoo with my oldest brother and his family. For a weekday, the zoo was busy -- it must be summer! Vanessa was excited to hang with her cousins. These cousins came with an agenda -- they all had favorite animals they wanted to see. Vanessa and Hannah plotted how they were going to play at the playground. Both mothers pointed out that we were not there to play at the playground -- since we get to do that often -- rather we were there to see the animals. They forgot about their strong desire once occupied by all the other great zoo stuff. At one point we were able to use my brother's large family to create a wall to block the girls' view as we walked by a playground, just to keep the peace and stay on track. :)
Vanessa liked having her uncle, aunt and cousins do things for her, instead of Mommy. What a huge help with Mommy moving slower these days. :)

We got to gently touch flamingos and learn why these two aren't very pink.

Vanessa took her first rides on the boat and the train. She was excellent with both. She stayed on her bottom and enjoyed watching her surroundings.

We checked out Polar Frontier this time and loved seeing one of the bears from underneath.

The visit was so exciting Vanessa did something she's never really done before -- she crashed out in the stroller. And she was out of it! She slept for probably 30 or 40 minutes.

Fun times!