It's weird to think Thanksgiving has come and gone. (And from the pictures -- it seems I'm also confused as to where Halloween went.) This is the time of year I begin to feel I've fallen behind on just about everything, determined to catch up. I'll catch up, at least to the degree I have to, and I'll wonder what happened to the holiday season. I haven't been doing as much freelancing work over the last couple days -- my little break, and ample time for my eyes and head to rest from staring at the computer so much. The time off allowed me to notice all my unfinished projects. It also allowed me to make a list for all the things to clean up and out before winter sets in, and before getting all the Christmas decorations out. Yes, usually by this time I have our Christmas card lined up and many decorations out -- neither have happened. (I do have baking scheduled and many gifts figured out!) Many of our neighbors have had their lights up for a week or so now. Everyone seems to be extra jolly with the lights this year -- we're surrounded and sit in the dark. We've decided that we'll put up a few. We don't want to fall any further behind! Naw -- if we get to it, then great. I'll be happy just to get the Christmas tree up this week!
(As I'm posting, Vanessa is giving me dialogue to play in her tea party and for helping to feed baby, so I'm a little distracted but quite humored. She might make a good director one day.) The pictures above were taken by Grandma and Grandpa, in their mounds and mounds of leaves.