Finally . . . almost two weeks later and we're finally really enjoying the treats Vanessa labored so hard for. We had colds last week and then we kind of forgot the stash we hid. (Don't let me fool you -- we had a piece here and there, and Vanessa had other treats to finish first.)
After having a prompt and somewhat light dinner last evening (and after putting Vanessa to bed,) Mommy and Daddy remembered the candy and plunged right in. Of course we had to do the cautionary inspection of it all, and do what guardians just have to do -- eat every ounce that might be a choking hazard, with a few extra splurges, like chocolate, in between. However, we were good to keep from devouring all the things Vanessa might enjoy. She loves Whoppers, and we don't, so it's perfect teamwork.
I happened to leave a Twizzler out with the intention to give it to Vanessa after breakfast this morning . . . but oops . . . it was left in plain view. So she had a Twizzler first for breakfast. She took it down in less than a minute.
And while speaking of the hard work it took to fill Vanessa's pumpkin three-quarters of the way full -- here are Vanessa and the Slivka kids preparing to head out. For those not in the area -- we get two hours of walking door to door. Two hours is not necessary with little ones like this. Vanessa ran for almost the entire first hour. Then she asked to ride in the stroller to rest and to hide under the canopy to dig through her bucket. (She was pretty sly.) We ended back at the Slivka's homestead and passed out treats for the last 50 minutes.

The task was easy when you had audiences like this. Vanessa was great and put on quite a performance. She'd say, "Trick 'r treat . . ." And she always followed it with a slight bow and "Thank you sooooo much . . . " She was a hoot.
It appears the hip costume colors for 2009 are black and white. It wasn't planned like that. Megan is the penguin.