Vanessa is continuing to love to cook. She made crab cakes last week.

She broke open her first egg. She was so excited she was shaking . . . and on Saturday she got to help with 4 eggs. Good thing we love scrambled eggs! This also provided for another extended discussion on why we won't eat raw eggs. And if you think about it, this provided for a nice cause and effect activity -- can't eat the eggs until we cook them. She'd love to work at the stove top, but we have some time before that. Last night she settled on being held near the stove top to watch me stir simmering alfredo sauce. She begged to stir: "Nessa help stir?!"
Vanessa even tried to vigorously whip the eggs with a fork. And this girl can put down some scrambled eggs! She doesn't always have a preference, but every so often she'll eat all the eggs she can get her hands on.

And Grandma (or a great name a friend coined for her: "Grand-Jan!") let Vanessa make pizza! Grandma figured out that Vanessa loves turkey pepperoni -- duly noted! And Vanessa chose to put broccoli trees on her pizza. I have to say it was scrumptious!