Our oldest nephew turned fifteen on January 3rd. I’ve recently made mention of how awesome he is, so I’ll spare him of more compliments. :) It’s hard to believe that almost sixteen years have passed since being told I would be an aunt for the first time. My oldest brother, Thom, and sister-in-law Diane made up some corny joke to present the announcement – something to do with the insect ant. If I were better at storing away memories then, instead of being distracted by adolescent interests and adventures, I would’ve written it down somewhere. Perhaps they remember the joke . . .
It took me a few moments to realize what they were telling me, but once I got it, I was so overwhelmed with excitement! I remember meeting him for the first time . . . I had been “dating” Adam for a few months and was wearing his big clumsy class ring on my index finger, which got in the way when holding a tiny head (but I made do since by no means could I remove the ring of the guy I adored so much!) Ben was a cutie, so tiny and very pleasant. My father, Ben’s grandfather, and I passed him back and forth. Ben’s grandfather was extremely happy to have a grandchild.
Even as an infant, Ben seemed to be a kind and gentle spirit. (Oops . . . I said I’d spare him of more compliments . . . ahem . . . that was an observation . . .)
Happy 15 years, Ben! Hope you’re reading lots and lots about safe driving!
Can you find the class ring?