Unfortunately we were unable to be with Vanessa's cousins Zach and Andrew to celebrate their birthdays this summer, but we do want to share since they're very special to us!
Andrew turned eight this last June. He’s quite a blessing. He can be extremely silly but also very gentle and serious. He’s very inquisitive and caring. You can look at him and see through his stunning eyes and expression the wheels turning in his head, like trying to figure out why things are a certain way.

Zach turned eleven in July and is also genuinely a blessing. He’s the comic of the family. He always has a joke and is very creative when making them up. He’s very curious. He loves little ones and is the first in line to hold his little cousins. He’s the keeper of the small ones. He loves to share and socialize and lights up a room with his charming smile.

Both boys are very loving and sincere, just like their older brother Ben and younger sister Hannah. Their parents are doing a fantastic job and are wonderful role models for how to raise confident and compassionate individuals.