Thursday, March 6, 2008
7 Months!
Vanessa is seven months old! We'll be celebrating her first birthday before you know it! She's doing great. She had her first case of the sniffles a couple weeks ago. She was extra cranky one day and was sneezing but she recovered quickly. Her father and mother had full-blown colds, so we were thankful she didn’t get the worst of it. We’ve had a few restless nights where Vanessa wants to try out her new tricks, like trying to crawl. She’s doing lots of rocking back and forth on her hands and knees and will drag her legs forward, but she hasn’t quite figured out how to synchronize her hands with her feet. She’s figured out that she can use furniture and objects as leverage and support. It’s funny to watch her grab on to something to drag herself around. She’s getting into everything that’s in the room dedicated to her. She loves to go after water bottles and magazines. She seems to be trying to figure out waving bye and hi. She watches you do it and then tries but ends up turning her hand to her face to study how she can move her fingers up and down. She also likes to mimic her daddy clapping hands. She started slapping and patting the floor, or closest surface, and her legs when she’s excited and when listening to music or singing. She loves to be carried around in the BabyBjorn carrier for walks and while shopping. She sits up for longer moments. She likes to get real close to mirrors and stare at herself. For a short time she studied and compared our faces to the reflections in mirrors. She also spent some time searching behind a mirror as if she was looking to see if one continued behind it. We have a routine in the morning – before coming downstairs we look out the hallway window and talk about the outside. I separate the slats of the miniblind (or whatever you call them) to do this or sometimes I just raise the miniblind. She seems to have figured out how to separate the slats and hold them apart as we talk about the outside. She’s enjoying baby foods. So far it seems that prunes and peas are her favorites. :)