Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring Fever
(Gardening is rewarding!--see before and after pictures below. :) And it's great exercise! I was able to do the front beds last week while Vanessa napped, which worked out well since the front isn't gated!)
(Adam put the swings back out last Wednesday or Thursday. Vanessa noticed soon after her nap that day. She melted down when she learned that we couldn't go out right at that moment. It seemed like child abuse from the crying tantrum she threw. It was a good lesson in patience and extra incentive for us to keep her out as long as she wanted last night.)
Vanessa scored a climber from her greats Uncle Leonard and Aunt Tammy. It was very thoughtful of them to share! Vanessa's friend Daniel has one just like it and she loves to play on his with him. They're learning to take turns. So now Vanessa has her own that she'll need to learn to share:
Friday, March 27, 2009
Boisterous Brood
Vanessa just had to be on Rachel. Rachel giving up:
Luke and Vanessa watching Rachel play window games with her Uncle Adam:
Rachel addressing envelopes for a chance to win tickets for Thomas & Friends Live (I figured we had to try for the little ones!):
Joel practicing handwriting (And he's quite good at it!):
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So . . .
*The title is dedicated to Grandma. ;->
Vanessa had an overnight at Grandma and Grandpa's a couple weeks ago. She apparently gave an exhausting performance . . . Vanessa has been waking in the middle of the night recently, as most her age might. She requires a little reassurance but usually goes back to sleep. Unfortunately Grandma and Grandpa were given a special treat by experiencing one of her first nights in this stage.
As Vanessa becomes more familiar with her environment and develops independence, she'll begin to understand her special connection to warm and loving grandparents. She's obviously very fond of them already. And how could she not be when her time with them is so fun and exciting?! They're great at letting Vanessa be the wild little person that she is!
Vanessa calls this picture "Meeeooowww . . .":Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Vanessa's extremely motivated to learn new things, and it's been hard to document everything due to the fast pace she moves. But never will I compare any others to her. Recognizing differences is one thing . . . I believe it's extremely important to allow the child to develop at their own pace. Even so, I can't help but be amazed at the things Vanessa does and how fast she's developing. (I can only imagine some people assume I drill her with flash cards or something :)
So here I go sharing more of her amusing antics again . . .
I was amazed the other day when Vanessa walked up to me in the kitchen and said "Y?" Then she walked over to the fridge and picked out the Y from the magnetic letter collection. How did she know that? -- my first thought. My second thought was – She enjoys letters. Then I proudly shared what I witnessed with Adam. He replied "Yeah, I know."
Yesterday she named numbers that I punched into the microwave. She even wanted to help. It seems 7 is her favorite number. She initiated the same activity today. And then she asked for the big display calculator and pointed at 7 again. We went on to name other various numbers and really enjoyed pushing the buttons.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Comfy Zone
Now and then when I go to get Vanessa after napping, she prefers to just hang in the crib and ask me to bring her things to play with. If Lilly is asleep, I can usually oblige. On this particular day I walked into the room and Vanessa was already pointing down to the floor and looked up at me while saying "Baby?" I asked, "Would you like baby?" Of course she exclaimed "Yes!" So I hand her the baby doll and then she proceeds to request other things like her necklace. I was able to sit on the floor to watch her play. (Probably should've been doing laundry, but I was too interested in watching her -- laundry will still be there . . .)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
You want what?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A porcelain doll . . .
(Lilly touched her hat. I'm sure one day she'll appreciate us posting this picture.)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Luke turns 2!
As you can tell -- March is a pretty busy month for us!
Luke's birthday is March 3. We celebrated in Elmo style yesterday and it was a perfect day. (The cake even had Mr. Noodle on it!) Luke was very excited about opening gifts and riding his new Radio Flyer tricycle given to him by his maternal grandparents. He was fun to watch! Easy for me (Vicky) to say since he's a strong-willed boy who loves to give his parents a run for their money. Lord bless his parents . . . But Luke's attributes are awesome and he's so very blessed with good parents, a wonderful big sister, a great big brother and another little brother or sister on the way.
Luke was very kind to share so many of his things with Vanessa.
Isn't he a cutie?!
We love you Luke! You're a terrific little guy!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Stolen Picture of Tucker
Tucker Betz
Tucker Betz
So until we get a better picture to share, here are a couple cute pictures of Uncle Adam meeting the little guy, and Vanessa warming up to him, with the help of Grandma, by sharing a couple kisses.
Mom Jenni is doing well and looks great! Dad Andy is grinning from ear to ear!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Sometimes I just like to be naked!
I most definitely have to put on clothes to even consider going on a bear hunt . . .
[This picture is a few weeks old . . . maybe a month or so (okay, so I'm behind!) . . . you can see how much her hair has grown in the last week or so. I think like physical growth spurts, Vanessa tends to go thru spurts of growing hair.]
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Celia's 2nd Birthday
We're extremely thankful for Celia and we appreciate all that she offers in joy and love. She's a bundle of sweetness. And it's fitting that her birthday is in March since her beauty is a taste of springtime. She warms our hearts.
Happy birthday, Celia! We love you!!